Adobe substance creative cloud
Adobe substance creative cloud

adobe substance creative cloud

The reason we have Adobe Audition’s sound editing app is because the company bought Cool Edit Pro from Syntrillium almost 20 years ago, something that eventually became Audition. You get a little bit of 3D control in the video post-processing tool After Effects, you can position 3D elements in Dimension, and you can do a bit of painting to 3D models in Photoshop, rudimentary as it might be, but beyond these apps, Adobe has never really jumped onto the 3D bandwagon.īut it’s beginning to do a little more, thanks in part to acquisitions.

adobe substance creative cloud

Sorta.Įven though the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of apps is fairly extensive, there’s an area it doesn’t really cover, and hasn’t touched upon much at all: 3D. Working with 3D is something Adobe’s tools haven’t really been built for, but it’s now extending its capabilities.

Adobe substance creative cloud